Category Archives:Autism Help

Info to help those with autism.

Feb. 28.

Autism and Vision Therapy

Visual perceptual dysfunction is very  prevalent within the autism community.  It affects how they interact, learn, relate, see, etc., within their surroundings.  Visual perceptual difficulties do not relate to farsightedness or nearsightedness, but how the visual system processes or interprets information. Many individuals with autism will look at people from the side of their eyes. They may use one hand to cover one eye to look out the other eye. This allows them to get a complete or better view of people or objects. They may also avoid eye contact with others all together, due to their perceptual difficulties. Some may flap their hands to help interpret their environment. Many will have difficulties with trying to match objects. Some are unable to make out letters on printed paper.

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As a result, many individuals with autism may rely on their auditory input, if it is not an issue as well. This contributes to them becoming self-absorbed or  sticking to routines. When this routine is disrupted or changed, “melt downs” or “stimming” can occur. Melt downs are usually outbursts or when individuals with autism are extremely upset. They can also have meltdowns when they are visually overstimulated. Stimming refers to self-stimulation. Individuals with autism use stimming to help them cope with stressful events or as a mechanism to soothe themselves for various reasons.
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Most individuals with autism have trouble with spatial relations, visual discrimination, visual memory, visual closure, visual tracking, etc., within their visual system. Some have difficulty in processing shapes from an undifferentiated background. For example, letters that are written in chalk on the board would be difficult for them to organize, process, and interpret.

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Many of them have difficulty with visual motor skills. Fluorescent lights often have a negative effect on those with visual perceptual problems, especially among the population with autism. Many will walk through things, step over or on people, and touch everything in sight. Unfortunately, many professionals who teach individuals with autism are not familiar with visual perceptual dysfunction and vision therapy. Therefore, they dismiss it as an issue with their visual system. This problem contributes to behavioral and learning problems within the autism community. Most individuals with autism benefit from vision therapy!



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Jun. 19.

Autism is Treatable!

Autism now affects children more than any diseases or disorders combined. As of 2013, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports that 1 in 50 children is on the autism spectrum disorder. Boys are now five times higher than girls to be diagnosed with this disorder. One in 54 boys and 1 in 252 girls are affected by autism. Individuals with autism can significantly improve their quality of life with various treatment programs. Autism does not have to be the prognosis of no hope, but of healing. Autism is treatable!
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There are multitudes of reports suggest that thimerosal, live viruses,  aborted fetus tissues, aluminum, additives, toxins and other poisonous ingredients found in vaccines cause autism in some children. Food allergies, chemical sensitivity, viral or bacterial infections, environmental toxicity, etc., can contribute to the symptoms of this disorder as well.

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Alternative or holistic medicine has healed many within the autism community by addressing their symptoms from a place of origin and establishing homeostasis within the body. The mind, body, and spirit must be all in sync. Many individuals with autism have many imbalances within their body caused by various factors.

Parents are given limited options or resources for their children with autism from the medical community. As a result, many individuals with autism remains stagnant. Many behavior therapists will not considered using flexible programs, such as Son-Rise, floortime or the Rapid Prompting Method. Many will dismiss these programs, despite their effectiveness and will stick to a rigid program.

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Some programs such as the Son-Rise program work among the autism community in a positive and unconventional way. This program believes in joining in with those who have autism while they engage in self-stimulatory behaviors or what interests them the most. For example, if the individual is rocking back and forth, rock with them. When you get their attention, start connecting with them. Celebrate with a big cheer each time they connect or engage with you. This connection is an opportunity to teach those with autism social skills, academic, language, etc. The Son-Rise program also emphasizes on using excitement, enthusiasm, and energy while teaching them.

The Son-Rise program stresses the importance of having a nonjudgmental, loving and accepting attitude while working with those on the autistic disorder spectrum. Many children overcame autism as the result of the Son-Rise program.

Floortime is another great program that respects autism and believes in building relationships by  actively engaging with the population of individuals who have autism. The teacher or provider take an interest in what the child is doing  or what the child is experiencing. This method can be done anywhere in the house, outside, in the supermarket, etc.

However, it must be done at a convenience time and place for both the facilitator and the individual with autism.  Many individuals with autism have healed or gained a lot of skills through this method, such as language, academic skills, self care skills, social skills, etc. The individual with autism and the facilitator must have some type of rapport that is mutually enjoyable.

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) uses desirable reinforcements to get desirable behaviors to occur. Once the individual with autism achieves the desirable behaviors, they are rewarded with a reinforcer, such as preferred activities, preferred items, small pieces of food,  praises, etc.

This is called discrete trials. ABA can be a structured environment or flexible one, depending on the teacher or behaviorist. ABA  also uses prompting to show the individual with autism the desirable behavior during discrete trails, if necessary. ABA has incorporated many other techniques similar to the floortime or Son-Rise program to make it more child-centered.

The Rapid Prompting Method (RPM) is another program used to improve the communication skills and help achieve academic success to those with autism. According to RPM’s philsophy, “Despite behaviors, the academic focus of every RPM lesson is designed to activate the reasoning part of the brain so that the student becomes distracted by and engaged in learning.” Watch the 60 minutes video clip below on Rapid Prompting Method created by Soma Mukhopadhyay.

All of these programs must be flexible and not rigid. Individuals with autism should not adapt to a program, but the program should adapt to them. Autism must be respected. Beware of schools who do not want to see progress in those with autism because they can get more funding. Stay on top of your child education. Autism is treatable!

 Effective Treatments and Solutions for the Autistic Population by Angela Williamson click below to purchase this very powerful and informative book now!




Jun. 05.

Autism and Special Solutions for Special Diets

Some children are allergic to a variety of foods, which limit their diets significantly.  Parents are very concerned with their children’s nutritional intake.  They believe that they will lack certain vitamins and minerals because of dietary restrictions. Furthermore, parents think that special diets such as the casein-free/gluten-free diet can be very hard on children’s emotional and physical well-being. If these diets are followed correctly, the child will feel much better and can still enjoy events.  With this dilemma, how do you rectify the situation so that the child will feel that he or she is included?

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Well, here are some suggestions for you to consider to alleviate the problem.  You can bring some foods that the child is able to eat, if possible. For example, at birthday parties, most children will have cakes that made are from wheat.  You can talk to the parents ahead of time, explain your situation, and arrange to bring an extra cake that is gluten-free and does not have dairy in it. This can also be done when the child is in school.  The teacher can notify you ahead of time if there are going to be parties, so a substitute can be given to the child.

The Gluten Free Bible – An Insiders Guide To Going Gluten Free Click Here!

Communication from the home to the school and vice versa is very important for this diet to be successful.  If you experience problems, you can put this on the child’s Individualized Education Plan(IEP) and the school will have to comply. The school cafeteria can help provide alternative foods for your child, if this is stated on the IEP.  The child can bring some gluten-free and casein-free goodies to school to share with classmates.  The other children will enjoy them as well and no one will left out.

However, if you are still having problems with your child craving forbidden foods, avoid having these foods around him or her without a substitute that they can eat and enjoy. Some children are known to steal the allergic or sensitive food items from others.

This excerpt is found in the
Book Efeective Treatment and Soltutions for the Autistic Population by Angela Williamson

Felicity’s Gluten Free Diet HandbookClick Here!

Apr. 23.

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program

What is the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP)?

This program was created under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 (PL-99-660) and  enacted by Congress to compensate individuals who have been injured by vaccines. It  was  also to  institute vaccine safety reform for the general population. There are three govermnent offices that are involved with the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, which are:

  • the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ); and
  • the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (the Court).

What is the purpose of National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

The purpose of this program is to compensate individuals who were injured from U.S. licensed vaccines. The vaccines manufacturers did not want to go bankrupt, so the U.S. government created this program. You must file within three years from the first symptom, or 2 years from the death or 4 years  from the first symptom before death in order to be compensated for your injury.

How are individuals compensated and how is this program funded?

The U.S.  Courts of Federal claims decide who gets paid. The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program is funded by an excise tax of .75 cent for each vaccine that is recommended by the Center for Disease Control (CDC).For example, the measle- mump-rubella (MMR) is taxed about $2.25 because it prevent three separate diseases. The tax is collected and managed by the Department of Treasury.

How to file a claim?

Click on this link and follow the instructions.

How to contact U.S. Courts of Federal Claims

U.S. Courts of Federal Claims

717 Madison Place, N.W.
Washington, DC 20005
(202) 357-6400


How to contact National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program?

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP)
Parklawn Building, Room 11C-26
5600 Fishers Lane
Rockville, Maryland 20857
Phone: 1-800-338-2382


Dec. 15.

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

What is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)?  VAERS is a  national surveillance  agency  that is co-sponsor by the Center for Disease Control and Food and Drug Administration. This agency collects information on  adverse reactions or side effects from U.S. licensed  vaccines.

 Who can report adverse reactions from vaccines? Parents, doctors, vaccine manufacturers, concerned citizens, etc. Basically, anyone can report adverse reactions from U.S. licensed vaccines.

How do I report a possible adverse reaction from vaccines? You may contact VAERS at (800) 822-7967  for forms to be faxed or mailed.  They can be downloaded from  You may also file online through VAERS web reporting system  After the forms are completed, you can fax them to (877) 721-0366 or by mail to the address below.

PO Box 1100
Rockville, MD 20849

Is the system being used efficiently? No. Many people do not know about the VAERS program to report adverse events and  the health care providers are not reporting reactions from vaccines to VAERS .

If you have  more questions about VAERS, click on this link  for frequently asked questions.

Vaccine is Not Immunization-Vaccine Risk Click Here!

Nov. 01.

Radio Interview with Author Angela Williamson

Ms. Angela Williamson discusses her book Effective Treatments and Solutions for the Autistic Population with Curtis IlluminatedOne Davis on Occult Science Radio.

Listen to internet radio with Occult Science Radio on Blog Talk Radio

This book can be purchase on clicking this link and Barnes and Nobles  by clicking this link



Oct. 31.

Sensory integration and Autism

Many individuals with autism experience sensory integration dysfunction or sensory processing disorder, which can include the following such as tactile defensiveness, vestibular processing deficits, gravational insecurity, proprioceptive issue, etc.  Many experience sensory overload that causes them to shut down, indulge in self-stimulatory behaviors or display meltdowns. Individuals with autism who bump and crash into things and seek sensory input need sensory integration therapy. Those who are hyperactive, resist being touched, unable to focus, writing difficulties, falling down, chewing difficulties, etc.,need sensory intergration as well.

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What Is Sensory Processing Disorder? See the clip below.

Several techniques can address sensory integration dysfunction or sensory processing disorder in those with autism such as the Wilbarger protocol. It involves a series of therapeutic approaches, such as the deep pressure brushing, weighted vest, joint compression, weighted belt, jumping on a trampoline, therapy ball, etc. Some activities help with visual tracking and other visual processing problems. These activities help meet the needs of central nervous system, which varies from person to person. An occupational therapist will create a sensory diet that provides these varies activities based on the individual with autism sensory needs.This allows the senses to integration which improves socialization, learning, behavior, etc.

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He or she can demonstrate this method for you to do at home and for the teacher to do inside the classroom. Sensory integration improves the lives of those with autism.

Sensory diet infoClick Here!

Jan. 16.

Autism and Social Skills

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Individuals with autism often lack the necessary skills to socialize within the norm. Multitudes of parents use alternative medicine, various educational techniques, and different support services, such as occupational therapy to help their children progress. These methods have helped this population significantly. Many were able to live independently or on their own, but they still lack crucial social skills to establish healthy relationships with others.

Teaching individuals with autism social skills is hugely debated among parents and professionals alike. Is it possible for individuals with autism across the spectrum to obtain social skills? Multitudes of professionals say no. They claim only high functioning individuals with autism can be taught social skills, which excludes  the ones who are labeled as low functioning.  They also theorize that individuals with autism cannot learn after a certain age, which is not true at all. You can teach individuals with autism social skills at any age. If they are alive and well, they can learn. Many of these techniques discussed in this blog are based on the Son-Rise program.

Here are some important things you must realize and use before you begin teaching people with autism social skills. It is important to change your mindset. Think about these questions and answer them. Are you openly inviting? Do you easily get displease and start to scream because of behavioral difficulties from the individual with autism? How is your body language around this population?

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It is important for you to have a nonjudgmental and loving attitude while working among individuals with autism.  If it is difficult for you to change your mindset,  then you must start by loving yourself. You must love and accept yourself first by going within. This will allow you to remove any blocks that prevents you from changing your mindset.

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Are you controlling and demanding? If you say yes, then you must change your method now. Approach your child with love and acceptance. Bring good energy around your child. This population is very sensitive. Demonstrate enthusiasm and get excited while teaching him or her. Your child will be more receptive in learning how to socialize with you. Seek training in the Son-Rise program or programs that are similar. Once you learned the program well, get others to volunteer their time to help you (See resources below).

Prepare a room for you to teach the individual with autism social skills. This room should not have any pictures on the walls or in other areas. There should be plenty of room to move around. Place appropriate and interesting items that will capture the child’s or individual’s interest. This makes learning fun. The room should also have some of the following items, such as a trampoline, therapy ball, chewy tube, flash cards, writing utensils, paper, etc.

Take the time to teach social skills for several hours or more during the week. This can be done by joining in with the child. For example, if the child spins dishes, then you should spin the dishes as well. Place yourself nearby where the child can see you. When the child or individual stops and looks at you for joining in, celebrate with a big cheer for giving you good eye contact. This is a great opportunity to teach them. Go into your child’s world and gently bring him or her into our world.

You should install a two-way mirror or video camera inside the room, if applicable. This will allow you to see your volunteers while they are  interacting with your child. You will be able to provide feedback, which is very crucial in helping your child progress.  Create data sheets to record what is effective or ineffective . Brainstorm with your volunteers on how to improve the individual with autism social skills and learning. Utilize these suggestions with your child.

Essential Guide to Autism Click Here!

How are you responding to your child’s needs or wants? Do you give the child what he or she wants while having a tantrum or crying? Think about this for a moment and answer the question. If you say yes, then you are teaching the child how to communicate to you this way. Delay giving your anything if they are crying or throwing a tantrum. Let them understand that you do not know what he or she wants by crying or throwing a tantrum. Calm them down. Establish eye contact; say the word calmly and patiently. Praise the child if he or she makes an attempt to speak and for establishing eye contact. Pointing is okay and can be worked up to verbal language. If the child has some form of verbal communication, then extend it by connecting unknown words to his or her vocabulary. For example, if the child says “juice”, teach the child how to say “cup” next. Make a connection while the juice is pouring inside the cup and continue to build on the child’s vocabulary.

Mostly importantly, pay attention to your tone and attitude around individuals with autism. You must have a loving and nonjudgmental attitude as mention previously. This makes a big difference in reaching them or not.

For more info on the Son-Rise program go to
Nutrition that Benefits Autism!

Here are some books or Cd’s you want to read  or heard such as

  • AVAILABLE NOW!  Effective Treatments and Solutions for the Autistic Population by Angela Williamson, -ORDER  NOW on click on this link
  • Breakthrough Strategies for Autism Spectrum Disorders by Raun K. Kaufman.
  • Son Rise: The Miracle Continues by Barry Neil Kaufman
  • Special Children/Special Solutions CD by Samahria Lyte Kaufman
  • Happiness is a Choice by Barry Neil Kaufman
    • Autism Can be Cured  CD by Barry Neil Kaufman

Photos by Autism Treatmentment Center of America and Rawich @